Wednesday, July 18, 2012

"Reno-Tahoe" Has No Meaning

On the raiio, I've hear over and over again about a million dollars of advertising about "Reno-Tahoe" and it's such a marketing ploy.  If you drive way past Tahoe into Nevada you come to Reno which is fine.  But they have been trying so hard to pair the names as if they go together.  They really don't.

Here's the map.

When you are in Reno you might very well be thinking of Tahoe, BUT when you are in Tahoe you are so NOT thinking of Reno, in fact you're not thinking of the closer Carson City.  If you need to go to a city to go shopping, you go to Truckee.  If you want to go gambling, you go down the South Lake Tahoe.  What is Reno trying to pull?  Is all this advertising helping? It just seems surreal and artificial.

1 comment:

Elf said...

I suspect it depends on your perspective what it is that you're thinking about when you're where.

Seems to me the point is that reno is a dry, flat desert with resort hotels, gambling, shows, food, awesome car museums; Tahoe is a mountain lake with boating, hiking, fishing, camping. All within a not-too-long drive from each other, and other than that, pretty much surrounded by nothing. It's certainly all closer together than "San Francisco Bay Area," which no one seems to have a problem lumping together.